Dorper dan Saanen Selection

>> Isnin, 8 November 2010

Have completed our job to make selection and Saanen breed Dorper sheep in Vic and Qld to be brought flown to Malaysia God willing 26hn on November 2010.In those who are interested in mendapatkan breeds or breed Boer said there was still room again to get to place an order with us soon. : Suko Zizan 013 3883635 or 0167406141

For the record also, we will once again be there to make the selection after the feast of pilgrimage is due to make a new selection to order tracking. All our prices have been updated as indicated below based on the change of currency and time. Thus those who are interested can contact us for your goat breeds.
suko: 013-3883635

0 ulasan:

Boer Goat, importer,breeder, naturally breed,livestock


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